Amateur Radio--When All Else Fails

ARRL - American Radio Relay League
SMC - Society of Midwest Contesters
QRPARCI - QRP Amateur Radio Club International
Tim McDonough
Springfield, Illinois USA -- EM59ft

Blog: N9PUZ
Welcome to my little slice of the web!

I've been an Amateur Radio Operator or Ham since 1977. My original call sign was WD9EDT. Currently I hold a US Extra Class license.

My wife Teri is K9TLM.
I have a variety of Amateur Radio interests. I consider myself a casual contester and DXer and tend to lean towards the shorter sprints, etc. vs all day/all weekend contests. I enjoy a lot of the building, tinkering, and experimenting that goes on within the QRP community and am active in both ARES and RACES locally.

Most short updates and commentary can be found on the N9PUZ Blog.
Articles and Projects Index